Service Animal Instructor

Current Status
Not Enrolled
Get Started

This program counts as one program credit toward the exclusive IPICD Public Safety Disability Specialist qualification.

Instructor Certificate

Upon successful completion of the E-Learning Service Animal Instructor program and its online assessment, you can print your customized instructor certificate. Your Service Animal Instructor qualification expires in two years and can be easily renewed online.

Program Prerequisite

None, other than the required items shown below.

Course Access and Instructions

Tuition:  $95.00 per person, and includes instruction, Service Animal Lesson Guide, “Service Animal: Learner Companion” learner handout, and online assessment. Upon successful completion of the E-Learning instructor program, you can print your customized instructor certificate, download Service Animal policy examples, and sample User-Level PowerPoint® slides to help develop your Service Animal User-Level program.

Estimated Time to Complete the E-Learning Instructor Program

90 minutes.

Required Items

• Computer with speakers to hear the presentations,

•Computer with dependable Internet connection (high speed connection is recommended for best results),

•Knowledge on how to navigate the Internet,

•Mouse (unless using touch screen),

•Keyboard (unless using touch screen),

•Printer (optional),

IPICD Service Animal Instructor Lesson Guide (only downloadable after you have enrolled),

•Comfortable chair,

•Comfortable writing surface for note taking,

•Writing instrument,

•Highlighter for the highlighting of Service Animal Instructor Lesson Guide and/or “Service Animal: Learner Companion” text,

•Appropriate lighting, and a

•Quiet area.

NOTE: All documents are in PDF. Adobe Reader can be downloaded from here.

About this E-Learning Program 

This IPICD E-Learning Service Animal Instructor program consists of approximately 55 minutes of presentations, a downloadable and printable 35-page Lesson Guide containing 8 topic-specific lessons, a downloadable and printable “Service Animal: Learning Companion” learner handout (2 pages), and an online assessment (16 questions). This program’s E-Learning instruction uses text, slides, narration, animation, and includes references to the “Service Animal: Learning Companion.”

Additional information about the various topics presented can be found in the IPICD Service Animal Instructor Lesson Guide. After you have successfully completed the narration portion of the program, there is an assessment you must pass before you can print your instructor certificate. Upon passing the assessment, you will have online access to Service Animal policy examples, and sample User-Level PowerPoint® slides to help you develop your Service Animal User-Level program.

Online Assessment

After completing the E-Learning presentations, you are required to pass an online assessment prior to qualifying as an IPICD Service Animal Instructor. You must achieve a 90% on the online assessment (14 of 16 questions). You will have three attempts to successfully pass the assessment.

The IPICD instructional design team adopted Resource-Based Learning (R-BL) to focus on actual learning versus memorization. R-BL enables you to use the resources you have available to you when taking the online assessment (i.e., Service Animal Instructor Lesson Guide, “Service Animal: Learning Companion,” and the notes you took during the virtual presentations). Do not stress about the online assessment because you will have the program resources available to you for use when taking the assessment.

If you need a reasonable accommodation, please request it by emailing .

Americans with Disabilities Act

Program materials comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Program Presenters

Michael Seth Coleman, IPICD Public Safety Disability Specialist and certified ADA Coordinator is the primary instructor for the Service Animal Instructor program. Officer Coleman has a lot of experience teaching ADA topics, and is the son of a disabled person and the father of two disabled sons.

John G. Peters, Jr., CLS, CTC, Ph.D. serves as President and Chief Learning Officer of the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. (IPICD). A certified Online Instructor, Dr. Peters opens the E-Learning instructional program by giving an overview of the instructor course and its materials.

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