IPICD Excited Delirium and ACE™ Instructor Requalification
A brief “Welcome and Introduction” from IPICD president and chief learning officer, John G. Peters, Jr., Ph.D., CTC, CLS.
To maintain their staying current as an IPICD-qualified instructor, this online requalification program is required of all IPICD Excited Delirium and ACE™ – qualified instructors who graduated from the instructor program. IPICD instructor certificates expire 2 years from the date of issue. This online program will educate and update IPICD-qualified Excited Delirium and ACE™- qualified instructors about several topics that were added, including, but not limited to: agonal breathing; alcohol withdrawal; autism; epilepsy; synthetic drugs; water intoxication; and other important subjects.
Course Prerequisite
Only IPICD-qualified Excited Delirium and ACE™ instructor graduates are authorized and qualified to take this online requalification course.
Instructor Requalification
Upon successful completion of the course and online assessment, you can print a new instructor requalification certificate. The new certificate will expire 2 years from the date of issuance.
Required Items
- Computer with speakers (all lessons have optional narration, with one or more lessons requiring the listening to third party audio),
- Computer with dependable Internet connection (high speed connection is recommended for best results),
- Knowledge on how to navigate the Internet,
- Mouse (unless using touch screen),
- Keyboard (unless using touch screen),
- Printer (optional),
- IPICD Mini-Poster and/or original instructor workbook,
- IPICD Instructor Requalification Workbook Version 5.1e (only downloadable after course payment is processed),
- Comfortable chair,
- Comfortable writing surface for note taking,
- Writing instrument,
- Highlighter for the highlighting of workbook and/or article text,
- Appropriate lighting, and a
- Quiet area.
NOTE: All documents are in PDF. Adobe Reader can be downloaded from here.
Thank you for maintaining your instructor qualification, and for helping to professionalize your agency through continuous training.